EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW Program Name: PC GLOSSARY ver 5.1 BBS File Name: GLOS51.ZIP Program Type: Glossary of computer terms Author: Disston Ridge, INC SW Reg: $29 Comment: Easy to use and understand. How many times have you come across a computer related word that you've never seen before? How about the words or acronyms that you use regularly, but don't really understand what they mean? Most of us have that information in one of the many books and manuals cluttering our desk or bookshelves, but it's somewhat of a pain to go looking for it. Wouldn't it be nice to have all you need in one complete package? If so, look for PC GLOSSARY ver 5.1 and you'll have definitions and much needed data anytime you need it. There are other programs that claim to define all the computer terms, but they are mostly text files that list words and definitions. These are fine if that's ALL you want. You'd have to load your word processor or text viewer and do a search for what you were looking for. Not so with PC GLOSSARY. Everything is menu driven and moving around is very intuitive. Once the program is loaded, you are given a variety of choices. The word list in on the far left of the screen. You can cursor up and down to highlight a word and hitting ENTER will give you the definition. While viewing the definition, you are shown a list of "See Also" words at the top of the screen that relate to what you are reading about. You can move to any of these topics by highlighting it and hitting ENTER again. However, the program goes beyond just listing hundreds of words and definitions. Context sensitive HELP is available everywhere. You can do string searches that are very fast. You are given 3 different color combinations, however, the default was the one I preferred. There is a "Lookup" table that lists such things as registration information and bibliography. But, one of the handiest portions of the program besides the word definitions is the TABLES option. The TABLES option list several (17) useful "Reference Tables" including such things as ASCII codes, floppy disk specifications, common virus problems, and one that even lists nearly every DOS filename extension known to man! PC GLOSSARY is a complete program that has tons of information in one convenient spot. I highly recommend this for anyone, be they beginners or long time users. It's an excellent program to pass out at user group meeting or wherever you'd find new users. Highly recommended!